Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our clan ranking

Leaders: MMC064, Dethaubve, Super Spoof Pro

C0-leaders: NightmareGauss, giticomi

Military General: xXzZSUPANDAZzXx

Royal Guards: ghostyman1,nicaboi1, theWIZARD25. b1ack n1ghT

Trainers: bluemorning104, sparten 255, flegs9, HUNTER4731
Messangers: SPARTENjoe, Recon Ninja0719, Hoodmaster923


Golden Mythic Members: (10 slots open)

Members: (20 slots open)

Rookie Members: ( 30 or more slots open)

From, MMC064

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sign UP

Hey Members! We have a up-coming machinima that we leaders thought of! Sign up now! We need at least 7 or more players! So just leave a comment.
From, MMC064

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Testing ASAP

Sure, everyone needs to test to join but this weekend testing needs to be done quickly! Why do you ask? Easy, I won't be here this coming Monday through Thursday. So for those who want to join, it needs to be done this weekend. Whenever Super Spoof Pro, MMC064 (me) or dethaubve are online. (we are the main leaders of course) Anyways, play lots of matchmaking!

From, MMC064