Friday, July 8, 2011

Gonna miss you guys.

Well, Bungie day is officially over. This was Bungie's last final Hump day. Their last Bungie day. They have gave us the best gameplay ever in Xbox History. The winner of Bungie v.s the World was us... The World won and Bungie lost. I saw their last game, It was on sword base. They won by 50-49. Even though they won that battle but they didn't win the war. Thanks Bungie for your gifts to us. We can't wait for Bungie Aerospace! The main official players on Bungie was Humproast, Tender Lions, Porterhaus, and Heavenly Beef. So if you played with those guys and won, consider yourself lucky. Bungie, Thank you for everything you've done. We all thank you, we really gonna miss you guys like a lot. Halo: Reach was your final destination. You guys surely went out with a big bang and it was pretty big. Well the Black Knights wish you all the luck we have for your next goal. You shouldn't blame Stosh anymore. It's been one hell of a ride Bungie but now we as the community bid you farewell and good luck. From yours truly, MMC064. P.S thanks Bungie, Remember your fans and continue to kick ass!!!!

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