Saturday, October 15, 2011

Give him da BOOT

Well I had to finally boot a member from the clan, I will not say his GT but you can try to figure it out. He had a different emblem and him and his friend had the same one so I assumed he was in a other clan. SO ANYWAYS, Halloween is almost a comin' !!!! This means we will have a Halloween party ( not on the day of halloween because I know some of you love candy ;D) but the party will be before or after the day of halloween. Mostly before so it can be in the same month, except this time it won't be in the morning!? It will start at night, I dont know the specific time but it will involve a lot of infection matchmaking and custom games! So make sure you don't miss it because it's the first I have ever created! Some of you have been asking whats the TU beta for so The TU beta involves every playlist of matchaking known to man except for firefight and action sack. Thats all the time I have for today so bai bai! ~From yours truly and with lots of <3 ~ MMC064

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