Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Welcome to the Black Knights of Halo Reach!


Hello and welcome to the blog to the best clan in the world of Halo : Reach!
This clan is not for the faint of heart, This is for the legit halo playing juggernauts who is willing to kill the entire enemy team with one snipe! Also, This clan isn't for the people who wants "flamin' rcnz", This is for the people who already have it... and want to make the flames bigger...

So do want to join us? We have free weapons testing training arena inside of base in the source of the map, "Powerhouse"! HOWEVER! if you are going join us, you are to follow our ten commandments!

The ten Black Knight commandments:

1.Do not kill a fellow teammate unless needed during training.
2. If you want to be promoted, go to the 1 of 3 leaders and they will give you 3 private tasks to complete, if you complete these tasks perfectly or better, you will be promoted to your desired rank.
3.You are to have the service tag the leader assigns you to.
4. losing is not an option.
5. You have to go to the emergency or scheduled monthly meetings.
6. You are to help your teammates in everyway possible
7. You must have the Black Knights colors / armor / emblem up-to-date
8. You must be in first place in at least 1/10 of your matchmaking games
9. Willing to contribute to our tasks or assignments
10. Must prove to try and be the best of best player!

Now for the overview.
-Make sure that you have the Game variant / map for our meetings, Ask us for the details on where to get it!
-Our training course currently in development will evauate your skills in the arena which includes aiming, driving, shooting, grenades, dodging and more is in development.
-The higher rank you are, the better chances of you having a higher rank in our clan!
-This clan isn't about who gets the most kills, It's about who makes the best kills!
-The 3 leaders of the clan are... (In no particular order) is... "Super Spoof Pro" (XBL), "MMC064" (XBL), and "Dethaubve" (XBL)
- If you want to join our clan, Please add our accounts and message us about your qualification resume that will be in the net section!

If you wanted to join our clan please tell us these things!

-Tell us your Halo : Reach  rank
-Tell us why we should choose you
-Tell us your best kill in Halo : Reach
-Tell us why you want to join

Well that's it for now, We will keep posting about weekly updates, our best kills, community posts, meeting schedules, and basicly anything we want to tell you!
So make sure to add us, We love to talk (We = Friendly face)

Remember, be the best!
                     - Super Spoof pro


  1. Hey guys it's C4MODUD3 here, saying im gonna start clogging like MMC064 and WundrWaff. So see you guys later, and join, join, join! And yes, I know that really sucked...

  2. The real BlckKnghtz are over at
