Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Clan ranking again

Leaders: MMC064, Dethaubve, Wundrwaff

C0-leaders: NightmareGauss, xXzZSUPANDAZzXx

Military General: ghostyman1

Royal Guards: Recon Ninja0719,nicaboi1, theWIZARD25. b1ack n1ghT

Trainers: bluemorning104, sparten 255, flegs9, HUNTER4731
Messangers: SPARTENjoe, C4MODUD3, Hoodmaster923

Spies: DJYAHTZEEXREME, Auto Prime 14

Golden Mythic Members:, DaBoxx777, TheZman97, ninja splicer7, PaginatedRose2, GoDxL1kE894, ( 5 more slots )

Members: (20 slots open)

Rookie Members: ( 30 or more slots open)

From, MMC064

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Change of things my friends

Sooooo, Remember the post about sending the video of you getting the AWESOME made-up achievement I made and the E-mail to it, funny story I changed the E-mail so make sure you now send it to , and the new achievement is get a killionare in a single zombie match game in Halo Reach. But now on to better horizons, If you haven't heard yet if you pre-order Halo:CEA you get the Mark V suit ( master chief's first battle armor ) to wear on your avatar. And I guess if you pre-order a MW3 you get these secret weapons only pre order ppl get. And Gears of War 3 came out and I hope your having a hella' of a time playing it!!!! And I guess The GunStringer, is a game that will be coming out for the kinect as well as Rise of Nightmares, which will be the very first horror games for the kinect and I'm really looking forward to that. And HALLOWEEN is coming and I will explain the surprises for that in the mere future. Make sure to tell your friends about us (make sure they have at least halo reach and a xbox 360 )!!! I will be hosting a halo reach party but I will talk about that in the next post until then c ya pplz!!! ~ Sincerely and yours truly~ MMC064

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Good stuff, good stuff--- a quote from my friend aiden

Well hello there again fellow members and the weekend is almost up! Ok, let's get started on this post. Well I just made up a new idea and I call it Black Knight achievements! It's basically where I make up my own achievements for you guys to do. When you do it film it and send it to this Anyways the achievement of the week is earn at least a perfection medal. And if you have black-ops ( i don't know if your suppose to have the new zombie map) you can get there zombie soundtrack for FREE! That's right I said FREE!!! Make sure you have a computer as well. And this Sunday is Patriot Day and I will explain that in another post nut for right now adios!!! ~Sincerely and from yours truly~ MMC064

Friday, September 2, 2011

Labor Day my friends!

Why hellooooooo there again black knights!!! Well this Monday (9/5/11) is LABOR DAY WHICH MEANS YOUR LAZY ASS IS ON A DAY OFF!!!! And what else is is labor without a party. Thats right you and your fellow black knight members will have a halo party but sadly I won't be ther :( so play matchmaking or play custom games with your buddy! I don't try to encourage you to play games 24/7 but maybe you can go OUTSIDE for once. And no the sunlight doesn't hurt.... unless if you stare at it. Oh and make sure to read my last post about irrelevant shit! Oh and spread the word about our 'lil clan so we can grow BIGGER! (T.W.S.S), and make sure to check out halo waypoint because that has some pretty useful information. Even about Halo 4 and Halo CEA!!!!! That wraps up about everything so c ya guys next time!!!!~Sincerely and from the one and only~ MMC064