Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I bid you farewell

Hello fellow members of the blackknights of haloreach... I am giving up my position as a main leader and now hear by leaving the clan... forever. Who knows maybe our paths may cross some day~ Sincerely and with SO much <3 ~ MMC064, and signing off....
and thanks to geekologie for the pic!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Halo-days!!!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!! Take a break from gaming this month and hang out with friends and family!!! I wont post till next year :D So there's much too talk about but i'll wait to next year so instead I came to wish you guys a merry Christmas or Hanukkah and a Happy New Year!!!! ~ From yours Truly and with lots of <3 ~ MMC064

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Waiting for this end?

Hello members of the black knights and sorry I haven't posted stuff in a long FREAKIN' time. SO ANYWAYS, there's much to talk about or well in this case there is much typing and reading to do (if your sorta into that thing)! The Halo CEA game came out like two days ago and it includes the new Halo: Reach multiplayer maps and if you don't want the NEW HALO CEA game but you still want the new maps... well there is a solution, you can simply download the anniversary map pack off of the marketplace in Halo Reach! IT TURNS OUT, that there is still some Halo CEA games left that still have the Mark V armor for you Avatar! Oh and if you didn't know in the new map pack there is also a new firefight map and I heard it was pretty bad ass. SO ANYWAYS, you guys should remember to check out our youtube channel and our machinimas so click this link to teleport there ----> http://www.youtube.com/user/JimAndTaran <----- and were going to soon make yet another machinima series! Oh and the bad news is were not getting that much views on our website and not as lot of people in our clan... so I don't know whats in stored for us in the future. BUT DON'T FRET! Don't worry about it now but just enjoy the present for as long as it lasts! ~From yours truly and with lots of <3 ~ MMC064
P.S Give credit for the picture to Sharenator.com!

Monday, October 31, 2011

The halo-ween party is over!?

Don't worry kids about the halo-ween party if you missed it well.... it's going on all week because that's what I call a Halo-ween and hope you had a great Halloween!!!! Don't forget to keep your teeth clean!!!!!!!!! ~ From yours truly and with lots of <3 ~ MMC064 Sweet Nightmares :D
Oh a this picture is to credit to Memebase and the uploader which name escapes me SORRY!!
Oh and this is the best pumpkin I have ever seen so once again thanks to the creator of this pumpkin for such a Bad Ass pumpkin ;D

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Halo-ween!

Happy Halo-ween guys! Now you must be wondering when is the halo-ween party I am hosting well I gotta tell you it's the day before halloween ( sunday night ) and it starts at 7:00 p.m! Now it's time for the weekly made up achievement!!!! Ok it's Earn a triple kill with a single plasme or frag grenade! If you do that you send it to blackknightshr.blogspot.com If your wondering what we'll do in the halo-ween party we'll be playing custom games (mostly infection) and then matchmaking (Living Dead). Then we'll just party and shit... lots and lots of shit. Literally....................... nah I'm just kidding with the shitting. ~ Have nice nightmares! ~ MMC064

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Ok remember I made this post about making a machinima (which was like ages ago) well WE finall have one click on this link to go to watch it, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uoq35XjBGKE, So if you click that link you will see our first machinima! And our youtube channel is called JimAndTaran. So I hope you enjoy it and the made up weekly challenge is... make a screenshot and have over eighteen thousand downloads and over two-hundred likes. Make sure to send the screenshot at blackknightshr@yahoo.com , I will see you guys once again!!! ~From yours truly and with lots of <3 ~ MMC064

Monday, October 17, 2011

For future references...

I have finally decided that the halo reach party will be before Halloween (10/29/11) and it will be a night. So now time for the made up achievement ok the achievement will be complete three onyx commendations for this week! Remember to send your video at blackknightshr@yahoo.com but in other game worlds MW3 will come out in 11/8/11 and BF3 will come out 10/25/11 and Halo CEA will come out 11/15/11. So make sure you get those games because they are really great! I didn't have much to talk about here so i'll bid you farewell! ~Yours truly and with lots of <3 ~ MMC064

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Give him da BOOT

Well I had to finally boot a member from the clan, I will not say his GT but you can try to figure it out. He had a different emblem and him and his friend had the same one so I assumed he was in a other clan. SO ANYWAYS, Halloween is almost a comin' !!!! This means we will have a Halloween party ( not on the day of halloween because I know some of you love candy ;D) but the party will be before or after the day of halloween. Mostly before so it can be in the same month, except this time it won't be in the morning!? It will start at night, I dont know the specific time but it will involve a lot of infection matchmaking and custom games! So make sure you don't miss it because it's the first I have ever created! Some of you have been asking whats the TU beta for so The TU beta involves every playlist of matchaking known to man except for firefight and action sack. Thats all the time I have for today so bai bai! ~From yours truly and with lots of <3 ~ MMC064

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Did you miss it?

Well, are you feeling down when you missed the halo reach party? Well fear not my friend because like I said in the past, there will be more to come (like infinities!). There wasn't that much to the party, the real funny shit happened early in the morning (playing non-stop custom games with a loot of people) and at night (Just me and my friend AIDAN, were laughing until we died of it). So, the hard made-up achievement will be, " Earn a unstoppable or higher kill medal in BTB." If your wondering what BTB stands for, it means Big Team Battle. So you guys have a week or so to earn that and IF you do send it to this email, blackknightshr@yahoo.com ~Sincerely and with lots of <3~ MMC064

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My metaphorical family.

My father: Dethaubve , My Mother:Wundrwaff , My wife: Daboxx777 , My oldest son: C4MODUD3 , My youngest son: PaginatedRose2 , My Brother: Alienspartain oh and read the last post it's very important and my "son" wanted me to do this


WELL HELLO AGAIN THERE LADIES AND NOOBS! I'm hosting a HALO REACH PARTY AGAIN!! Here's the requirements: THERE ARE NO REQUIREMENTS!!! You silly willies, you don't need the DLC to have fun because most of the fun shit is in FORGE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways you want more details right okay it will be in SATURDAY (10/8/11) And it will start whenever the hell i'm online! CAUTION: DON'T CRY WHEN YOU GET YOURSELF OWNED BY OTHER PLAYERS.......... AND ME! And is there any more news oh yeah! New people joined and they are Daboxx777 so you can look her up on xbox.com or bungie.net and TheZman97 so check him out as well. The TU Beta playlist came out yesterday and TU stands for Title Update! Soooooo SEE YOU GUYS AROUND!---Your Truly and with lots of <3~ MMC064

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Live stream gaming!!

Hey there members! We as in Wunderwaff (super spoof pro ) and me (MMC064) will be hosting a live stream video which is right now! ( 10/1/11 and at 10:38- 2:00 pm!) Hope to see you there! and we might have another!! in the next week to come! from yours sincerely~MMC064

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Clan ranking again

Leaders: MMC064, Dethaubve, Wundrwaff

C0-leaders: NightmareGauss, xXzZSUPANDAZzXx

Military General: ghostyman1

Royal Guards: Recon Ninja0719,nicaboi1, theWIZARD25. b1ack n1ghT

Trainers: bluemorning104, sparten 255, flegs9, HUNTER4731
Messangers: SPARTENjoe, C4MODUD3, Hoodmaster923

Spies: DJYAHTZEEXREME, Auto Prime 14

Golden Mythic Members:, DaBoxx777, TheZman97, ninja splicer7, PaginatedRose2, GoDxL1kE894, ( 5 more slots )

Members: (20 slots open)

Rookie Members: ( 30 or more slots open)

From, MMC064

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Change of things my friends

Sooooo, Remember the post about sending the video of you getting the AWESOME made-up achievement I made and the E-mail to it, funny story I changed the E-mail so make sure you now send it to Blackknightshr@yahoo.com , and the new achievement is get a killionare in a single zombie match game in Halo Reach. But now on to better horizons, If you haven't heard yet if you pre-order Halo:CEA you get the Mark V suit ( master chief's first battle armor ) to wear on your avatar. And I guess if you pre-order a MW3 you get these secret weapons only pre order ppl get. And Gears of War 3 came out and I hope your having a hella' of a time playing it!!!! And I guess The GunStringer, is a game that will be coming out for the kinect as well as Rise of Nightmares, which will be the very first horror games for the kinect and I'm really looking forward to that. And HALLOWEEN is coming and I will explain the surprises for that in the mere future. Make sure to tell your friends about us (make sure they have at least halo reach and a xbox 360 )!!! I will be hosting a halo reach party but I will talk about that in the next post until then c ya pplz!!! ~ Sincerely and yours truly~ MMC064

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Good stuff, good stuff--- a quote from my friend aiden

Well hello there again fellow members and the weekend is almost up! Ok, let's get started on this post. Well I just made up a new idea and I call it Black Knight achievements! It's basically where I make up my own achievements for you guys to do. When you do it film it and send it to this blackknighthr@yahoo.com Anyways the achievement of the week is earn at least a perfection medal. And if you have black-ops ( i don't know if your suppose to have the new zombie map) you can get there zombie soundtrack for FREE! That's right I said FREE!!! Make sure you have a computer as well. And this Sunday is Patriot Day and I will explain that in another post nut for right now adios!!! ~Sincerely and from yours truly~ MMC064

Friday, September 2, 2011

Labor Day my friends!

Why hellooooooo there again black knights!!! Well this Monday (9/5/11) is LABOR DAY WHICH MEANS YOUR LAZY ASS IS ON A DAY OFF!!!! And what else is is labor without a party. Thats right you and your fellow black knight members will have a halo party but sadly I won't be ther :( so play matchmaking or play custom games with your buddy! I don't try to encourage you to play games 24/7 but maybe you can go OUTSIDE for once. And no the sunlight doesn't hurt.... unless if you stare at it. Oh and make sure to read my last post about irrelevant shit! Oh and spread the word about our 'lil clan so we can grow BIGGER! (T.W.S.S), and make sure to check out halo waypoint because that has some pretty useful information. Even about Halo 4 and Halo CEA!!!!! That wraps up about everything so c ya guys next time!!!!~Sincerely and from the one and only~ MMC064

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Irrelevant? I think SO!

Hey there guys its me once again! (MMC064)
There is lots to talk about but not a lot about halo. Even though this is a halo clan but I like to keep you guys up-to-date. First I will start out with halo news, It seems the day is getting nearer to Halo CE Anniversary! That my friends will be coming out November 2011 ( I don't know a specific date ) so Pre-order them now before November comes! GO TO Xbox.com or Gamestop.com and pre-order that shit ( its better to drive to gamestop so you can get your pre-order game right away)! Now the new Black ops Map pack came out JUST TODAY! So go and buy it and play the new zombie map! (or multiplayer if that floats yer boat) And Battlefield 3 and MW3 will be coming out as well! That's all for now folks'! ~ Sincerely and yours truly~ MMC064

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

More news, well we gotta read once in awhile...

Well let's see what we have here for today. We have another new member his GT is Hoodmaster923 so you guys check him out or somethin ( I know sounds weird but you know what I mean ). So I know some of you guys started school and shit so I will make halo clan meetings later and halo parties later. And clan meetings, we never had one of those in awhile. We will have one this THIS weekend maybe Friday or Sunday. Make sure you guys check the dates these posts were made because you guys tend to get confused what Sunday or Friday so this post is 8/17/11 so yeah. And i am going to update our clan ranking post. If you wanna check that out just go to our post history it should be on the right sidebar ------->
Sincerely and yours truly~MMC064

Monday, August 8, 2011

Momma is back!

Hey guys I am back! After like what 12 days or somethin'. Anyways thats not the point, what really matters is our clan. It needs to be more popular! Tell yer' friends and shit or some family members who tolerate tee bagz!!!! Or maybe send some messages to your friends list. And what else and I will only be online for 2 days!? Dang, and I thought I would spend some more time with you guys. Anyways on Wednesday (this wednesday aka 8/9/11) I will be going to Disneyland (not disney world or kingdom because disneyland CA is the ORIGINAL! But the new website backround and wallpapers and shit look really awesome!!! thanks to Waffle! (i call wundrwaff "waffle" instead of wundrwaff) so give all the credit to waffle! THANKS WAFFLE!!! ~Sincerely and the one and only, MMC064

Thursday, August 4, 2011


     Hello everyone! I have changed my gamertag from Super Spoof Pro to WundrWaff! I had 560 Microsoft points to spare and I was bored so I thought... Why not? :)

     Anyways, Me and a couple of Black knights had a matchmaking Big Team Battle party! I was able to get some REALLY cool screenshots in it to! So without further of poo poo,  Here are the Pics and there descriptions!

Please remember that all of these screenshots are available for download on my file share in Halo : Reach with my new gamer tag, WundrWaff!

Stop right there!

"Ugh... It's been one of those days..." - Mario

 A job well done!... :(

 Get in kid! I have candy...

 I'ma' Firen' Ma' BLAM!!!!

 Hugs are da' bomb!

 My baby... It's beautiful!

 My legs will come with you!

 My foot... IT'S STUCK!

(Waiting for the banshee) "Forever Alone..." - Megusta

 I'm invisible >:D

 A thousand shames upon me...

 Give me a break...

 Your working together?!?!

Just as I Suspected... TROLLS

Thank you for looking at the pictures!

Monday, August 1, 2011


     Hello everyone, It's me, Super Spoof Pro again. Even though you all make me sick I have come to the conclusion that I have to be the bigger person and make stuff for you so I have given myself the honor to create these Halo : Reach Screenshot wallpapers of the Black Knights and it might just make you say, "I'm gonna join the black knights!"

Tutorial to create this effect: Go on the map breakpoint and use the special effect of "Pen and Ink". Go against a wall and have two people shoot you with an over charged plasma pistol shot and then go to the theater mode and get to the right angle for a beast picture like this!

Tutorial to download wallpaper: Click the picture and then when your on the picture page, Right click and select " Save as desktop picture "

SO HERE ARE THE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 For the ones that say, "I want this one!"

 The ones who are the hardcore... Unstoppable...



  Super Spoof Pro

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tutorial on our contest... yippee...

      Hello everyone, My name is Super Spoof Pro (Your best friend) today I'm going to show you how to submit YOUR entry for our contest.

All right, sorry... That was me acting like a nice person. It seems as though you guys were mentally challenged enough to ask me, "Spoof guy der der der soda pop how to enter my entry, when, who, why, where, how, you, me, bbq." Well that's an excellent question! (dipshit) Here is an organized list that is about to take me forever to write.


When: Due the day Halo: Combat Evolved - Anniversary

Who: You have to make a Halo:Reach screenshot showing some Classic Halo Fun

Why: grand Prize Clan - Promotion, Grand Prize join - Start as royal guard, Participation - Invite to the Halo : Combat evolved party on Halo Reach as VIP

Where: Add me and Submit to contest to get invite to the party

How: Instructions - Take Picture on halo reach, Press start, click 'Local files', Press file options (x), Click 'Upload to File Share, Go to Computer, go on 'Bungie.net', Log in using your email and password, Go to your Screenshot and click 'Download High-res pic', Save it and give me a link to your picture through my email which is "Chobotstwitter@gmail.com"

You: Stupid

Me: Smart

bbq: lol

If you need another example, here is a Picture that me and my friend made.

See, Thats what we want, something that we all love from the classic halo!

(Credits - Master chief : ME, Untalented piece of crap exploding banshee : Camodude4)

                                                                             Super Spoof Pro

If you want more info, visit my previous post titled, "CONTEST!!!"

If you want me to be nicer in my posts, just ask... This was an experiment of comedy and bbqs :p

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Little vacation hmmm :)

Well It's almost time for me ( MMC064 ) to get on my little vacation for a week and 2 days. So while I am gone Super spoof pro will be in charge of posting shit. Because I am the guy in charge of posting the shit sometimes super spoof pro but mostly me. So Super spoof when you read this you need to post at least 4 or 5 posts a week. So anyways I will post something in two days and then vacation time. We also have a new member his GT is Recon Ninja0719 be sure to look him up on xbox.com or sen him a fucking friend request. What more news is there and oh yeah make sure you guys pre-order halo ce it's on xbox.com remember to look that up. So play your matchmaking! ~ Sincerely and the one and only, MMC064.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Surprise surprise, Mr.Spoof!?

TODAY ( 7/22/11 ) IS SUPER SPOOFS BIRTHDAY! And the best way to celebrate it is either have a house party (in reality or in a forge game) or maybe have a marathon of matchmaking. But I won't be apart of that because I am going with him to watch movies and airsoft battles and shit. Just get outside for once in awhile instead of spending time indoors. Anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPOOF GUY!!!! ~ Sincerely and yours truly, MMC064!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


     Hello everyone! It's me Super Spoof Pro Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just could't think about what I was going to talk about considering the fact that those 4 bags of doritos finally got to me...

     SO ANYWAYS! (I hate you Chris for getting that stuck in my head...) On to the contest! Everyone seems to be talking about the 10th anniversary of Halo and the fact that bungie is gone and 343 now controls the big lettuce! So in celebration of the release of HALO CE: ANNIVERSARY we are having a "SCREENSHOT CONTEST (omg)!!!!!" :0

     All you have to do is set up a screenshot with your buddies to make a Halo : Reach screenshot that shows the classic halo! It could be the Halo CE cover, Something funny that shows the way halo used to be or just take a picture of your self in Master Chief MK V armor (lame)

     Oh! So your teeny mind needs help processing what i'm saying, well here's an example... nitwit...

(Credit to the guy who made this... wait...)

    Now you might be thinking, "But Spoof guy, What will I get if I make this awesome screenshot that I will create with my buddies!?!?!?!i1!1wjdsljl!!". I Will tell you! If you are already in the clan, you get promoted in our unique ranking up system linked with Halo : Reach. If you are not part of the clan, (go kill yourself) You can join our clan and start as a royal guard instead of a newbie. (Our ranking up system involves you power in the clan)

     If you don't want to do the contest but yet you want to join our clan just use your armor lock abilities until one of our clan members rages and puts a bag over head claiming he put you in!

(Armor lock?... I must... COMPLAIN!!! >:O)

     Now for the sweet part of the post, first of all we will have 3 winners (don't give a damn) but if you submit your entry and don't win, don't fret 8 year olds! We will have a party in the Halo : CE maps the day the game comes out and you my friend will be a VIP GOLD MEMBER OMGBBQ and will get to be part of ALL of our awesome party games and host treatments (like rocket lauchers :D) everyone else who wants to be in the party can help themselves to the dip then  I will politely boot you from party games (jk, stop crying..)


(November 10 : Tonight we dine in forge world!!)

Don't worry 'bout it!

For those who missed the Halo:Reach party you don't really have to worry about anything. There will be plenty of more parties to shoot and laugh about to your hearts desire! Like the parties include these games: Halo 3, Halo:Reach, Halo 4, and on Halo CE NEW MULTIPLAYER MAPS!!! ATTENTION: HALO CE MAPS ARE NOT FOR HALO CE ANNIVERSARY THEY ARE ONLY FOR HALO REACH MAPS!!! But hey there will be more halo parties in the mere future! Anyways play yo matchmaking! ~From yours truly, MMC064.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Are you ready for a halo reach party? Well I AM! Tomorrow ( 7/16/2011 ) the black knights ( and some non-black knight members ) are going to have a huge custom and BTB matchmaking games!!!! We are hoping to fill up the whole entire lobby. If you guys don't know a single lobby can hold up 16 players. What time are you asking? Well anytime when I am online! If you guys don't know but my GT is MMC064. This party I am going to host is mostly in honor of Bungie and all the kick ass times we had in these past years. So be there TOMORROW AT ANY TIME I AM ON LINE THE DATE IS 7/16/11 YOU CAN'T MISS IT!!!!~ From yours truly, MMC064

Saturday, July 9, 2011


http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=seeyoustarside Urk is very Poetic. Read it, the last weekly post's from Bungie. READ IT! From yours truly, MMC064

Friday, July 8, 2011

Gonna miss you guys.

Well, Bungie day is officially over. This was Bungie's last final Hump day. Their last Bungie day. They have gave us the best gameplay ever in Xbox History. The winner of Bungie v.s the World was us... The World won and Bungie lost. I saw their last game, It was on sword base. They won by 50-49. Even though they won that battle but they didn't win the war. Thanks Bungie for your gifts to us. We can't wait for Bungie Aerospace! The main official players on Bungie was Humproast, Tender Lions, Porterhaus, and Heavenly Beef. So if you played with those guys and won, consider yourself lucky. Bungie, Thank you for everything you've done. We all thank you, we really gonna miss you guys like a lot. Halo: Reach was your final destination. You guys surely went out with a big bang and it was pretty big. Well the Black Knights wish you all the luck we have for your next goal. You shouldn't blame Stosh anymore. It's been one hell of a ride Bungie but now we as the community bid you farewell and good luck. From yours truly, MMC064. P.S thanks Bungie, Remember your fans and continue to kick ass!!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bungie Day guys...

It has finally come, Bungie Day. Lets have a marathon of gameplay on halo reach in the playlist "Bungie Day" Get the hell out there and give bungie one awesome hell of a time! We're gonna miss you Bungie!!!!! The whole community does!!!!From your's Truly, MMC064

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bungie Day is COMING!!!!!!

The last final fight for Bungie. It's time to celebrate it on 7/7/11. The only way to celebrate it is with your clan! Starting on Bungie day The Black Knights are going to play a BTB game! But who knows whats going to be announced on that day, probably a new awesome playlist! We may play that awesome playlist! But make sure your with your clan. So it's kinda like this, Bungie v.s Black Knights. Even though its the world. They have gave us a kick ass time for all these 10 years! But for Bungie, it's 20 years for them! Starting off with their first game, "Gnop You lose." And finish it with Halo: Reach. So we are gonna give Bungie one hell of a time as they gave us with 10 years of Bad ass!!!! Best Luck! From yours truly, MMC064

Sunday, July 3, 2011


4th of July is tomorrow! Now lets have a break from this. When you play halo for this whole week(ends 7/11/11) you can change your armor color and change your logo! Or emblem whatever you want to call it. And just go out to the beach or a party at a friends house! I will try to post things more often but after tomorrow but until then see you guys! -MMC064