Monday, August 8, 2011

Momma is back!

Hey guys I am back! After like what 12 days or somethin'. Anyways thats not the point, what really matters is our clan. It needs to be more popular! Tell yer' friends and shit or some family members who tolerate tee bagz!!!! Or maybe send some messages to your friends list. And what else and I will only be online for 2 days!? Dang, and I thought I would spend some more time with you guys. Anyways on Wednesday (this wednesday aka 8/9/11) I will be going to Disneyland (not disney world or kingdom because disneyland CA is the ORIGINAL! But the new website backround and wallpapers and shit look really awesome!!! thanks to Waffle! (i call wundrwaff "waffle" instead of wundrwaff) so give all the credit to waffle! THANKS WAFFLE!!! ~Sincerely and the one and only, MMC064


  1. THANK YOUz :P, did you download a wallpaper :)

  2. BTW I made em' From Forge world w/ da help of Cj and Camodude. Best screenshot ive ever made!
